EMA™ Enterprise Access Subscription

  • Enterprise-wide access to every document in the EMA IT and Data Management Research Library
  • Unlimited tailored guidance from EMA analysts and consultants
  • Hassle-free administration

EMA Enterprise Access makes it easy and affordable for you to arm your team with the in-depth IT and data management research and practical advice they need to make better decisions and succeed with key projects.

EMA Enterprise Access delivers enterprise-wide access to the entire EMA IT and Data Management Research Library. Everyone in your organization – regardless of role – can get their hands on every single in-depth document on technologies and best practices across the IT and data management spectrum. You won’t be blindsided by restricted access or additional fees because a key report falls outside of your subscription area!

With EMA Enterprise Access, world-class IT and data management expertise tailored for your unique situation is only a phone call away. This offering gives you unlimited EMA Advisory Services hours so you can tap into the expertise of our senior-level team whenever you need it. Rely on their advice to help keep you on track throughout the lifecycle of your key projects. Count on them to help you translate our research findings into the context of your business and interpret which trends, technologies, and best practices make sense for your organization.

Why EMA Enterprise Access?

  • In-Depth – While many other available sources of IT research simply skim the surface, EMA delivers deep insight and pragmatic advice on key IT and data management technologies and best practices.
  • Unlimited – Empower your entire organization with unlimited access to EMA research and advice. Every document. Every topic. No limit on advisory hours.
  • Hassle-Free – EMA Enterprise Access is easy to administer. No counting seats or tracking hours. And users can set up and manage their own log-in credentials through our convenient online portal.
  • Affordable – EMA Enterprise Access gives your entire organization unlimited access to IT and data management research and advice for about the same cost as a single seat with Gartner or Forrester

Browse our IT and Data Management Research Library to learn more these reports and other currently available titles. Topics covered span the IT and data management spectrum, from Network Management, Systems Management, Application Management, Storage Management, and Security & Risk Management to Service Management, ITIL Processes, CMDB Systems, IT Finance, and IT Governance.

Contact us to learn more about empowering your team with EMA Enterprise Access!

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