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Title Report Type Release Date  Author Abstract
IT Service Modeling in the Age of Cloud and Containers Webinar 10/29/2019 Dennis Drogseth While configuration management databases (CMDBs) and configuration management systems (CMSs) are usually discussed separately from discovery and dependency mapping (DDM), this webinar explores them together to reveal a surprising array of synergies. ...
EMA Vendor to Watch: Nexthink Digital Employee Experience Vendor to Watch 09/23/2019 Valerie O'Connell The need to be bigger, better, faster and do more with less at the speed of global competition is just a fact of marketplace life today. Keeping up this market pace puts businesses in a state of near-constant change, with applications and updates hit...
EMA Vendor to Watch: Catchpoint Digital Experience Monitoring Vendor to Watch 09/13/2019 Valerie O'Connell “Tastes great, less filling,” the advertising mantra of Anheuser-Busch from 1974 through 1991, surfaced and answered the either/or dilemma that was plaguing light beer of the day. The lesson learned then stands today: there is no need to ...
EMA Vendor to Watch: Accedian Vendor to Watch 08/29/2019 Shamus McGillicuddy Accedian is a Montreal-based network and application performance management (NAPM) vendor that has been serving primarily communication service providers for the last fifteen years. More recently, it has focused on developing and selling NAPM solutio...
EMA Vendor to Watch: CloudFabrix Research Report - End-User 08/08/2019 Dennis Drogseth EMA "Vendors to Watch" are companies that deliver unique customer value by solving problems that previously went unaddressed, or provide value in innovative ways. The designation rewards vendors that dare to go off the beaten path and have ...
Achieving High-Fidelity Security by Combining Packet and Endpoint Data Webinar 06/12/2019 EMA Staff No one source can provide all of the data necessary for security monitoring. To be truly effective, organizations need better relevant data, and they need it faster. Early detection of infiltration and compromise are key to rapid and accurate respons...
Drive More Value with High Performance Cloud Data Warehousing Webinar 05/07/2019 EMA Staff In the most recent EMA big data research, 87.4% of respondents indicated that they were adopting cloud implementation strategies. Existing offerings in the market provide simplicity, elasticity, and cost-effectiveness to attract new customers. Join E...
Slides: Take Charge of Your Cloud Migrations with Dependency Mapping, Inventory and Usage Insights Slides 04/29/2019 Dennis Drogseth Leveraging extensive research and interviews from leading IT analyst firm EMA, These slides--based on the webinar--will provide you with unique insights into cloud adoption, along with associated trends, such as shadow IT.  You will also learn h...
Datastax Ready for Next-Generation Cloud and Mobile Application Delivery EMA Impact Brief 01/28/2019 EMA Staff In late 2018, DataStax made two announcements regarding products that continue to expand their NoSQL database with capabilities for both enterprise and development customers. In November, DataStax announced DataStax Distribution of Apache Cassandra (...
Report Summary - AIOps and IT Analytics at the Crossroads: What's Real Today, and What's Most Needed for Tomorrow? Research Report - End-User 12/18/2018 Dennis Drogseth Discover a roadmap of what technologies are really in use and the dynamics that separate the most effective advanced IT analytic deployments from those that struggle due to a variety of reasons, ranging from technology priorities to organizational an...
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