Making Your Support Organization Part of the Solution: Protecting Sensitive Data Remotely
Abstract: A recent EMA survey of the world’s largest finance and healthcare companies showed that the #1 challenge facing their organizations in 2008 is compliance with regulations and mandates. As a result, 98% of these companies are focusing on implementing better security. A foundational element of good Security Management is controlling sensitive data and mission critical processes that pass through the support organization. Historically, this issue has been downplayed in many IT organizations, either because of technical or cultural challenges. Today, to meet the increasing pressure for compliance with SOX, HIPAA, PCI, FFIEC, and other mandates, enterprises are turning to the next generation of technology for innovative solutions to this real-world challenge. Join Chris Matney, EMA Consulting Director, for an industry overview of this critical IT issue, looking at the current landscape, trends and future states of risk, compliance and security management in the enterprise service desk. In addition, Bomgar CEO and founder Joel Bomgar and a current Bomgar customer will provide a real-world example of how Bomgar Corporation is leading the charge to address these issues. |