EMA™ Research Study Sponsorships
Each year, Enterprise Management Associates conducts primary research with thousands of enterprise IT professionals worldwide to gain in-depth insight into key IT and data management technologies and trends. These studies use online surveys, focal interviews, and real-world case studies to answer a variety of compelling questions about key IT and data management technologies.
Examples of questions answered by EMA Research include:
- What are the biggest challenges?
- How are successful initiatives overcoming obstacles?
- What is the level of market awareness?
- What are the primary drivers for adoption?
- Which vendor solutions are being implemented?
- What is the level of satisfaction with current solutions?
- What are the most important features?
- What are examples of best practices?
In conjunction with many of our studies, we offer shared sponsorship opportunities to help IT vendors gain market insight, build market awareness, and generate leads.
Research sponsor benefits include:
- Custom cross-tabs of study data to answer specific questions about the market
- One-on-one briefing with the study leader to dig deeper into the findings
- Unique survey URL to invite your customers and prospects to participate
- Access to segmented survey results from your list
- Logo prominently featured in the user-focused research report
- Option to nominate clients to be interviewed for case studies
- Distribution rights for report summary customized with profile and case study
- Leads from Webinar sharing end-user focused highlights from the study
Contact us to learn more about sponsoring an upcoming EMA Research Report.